We have seen lots of migratory birds this week on the Kenai Flats. On Wednesday, there was a flock of snow geese and on Saturday there was a flock of sandhill cranes. Sunday was a windy day creating thermals near the ocean. Because of this we saw many gliding golden eagles and hawks.
The snowshoe hares continue to visit, nibbling on that fresh grass. We also had a big cow moose looking into our living room windows a couple nights ago. I think it was looking for company.
On Saturday we explored a new town called Hope. It is on the northwest end of the Kenai Peninsula. It is an extremely small town with just one school and from what we saw, no gas station. We did a portion of a hike and took in views of Turnagain Arm and the mountains. While there, we identified a new bird through sight and sound, the Varied Thrush.
17 days of school
gas is $4.42 per gallon
sunrise- 6:00 AM
sunset- 10:06 PM
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