Jon and I purchased our first fish/game licenses as Alaskan residents. Jon will be taking up fishing and hunting this year. I will be sticking to just the fishing. It is a huge monetary difference to fish or hunt in Alaska as a resident versus a non-resident. We are quite excited as the fishing season is getting underway.
We went to the Kachemak Bay Shorebird Festival down in Homer this weekend. We went out to Gull Island, which we have done a couple times before. Gull Island is a bird rookery where we saw common murres, kittiwakes, commorants, a disruptive eagle, and a lone puffin. On the ride back to the spit from Gull Island, we had a gull gliding in the air behind us. I'm not sure if he was drafting behind the boat or if he was curious as to who we were.
While walking along the Homer harbor towards the end of the spit, we stubbled across an eagle patiently waiting for two fisherman to finish filleting their fish. While waiting for the scraps to be left, some gulls were flying above the spot where the eagle was waiting also ready to get some of those scraps. The eagle would look up at them from time to time as if to warn them that they were his scraps, not theirs.
Bald eagles have been flying in large numbers this weekend. On our way back from Homer yesterday we saw at least 10 flying together, heading south. Today, as I sit here typing this we have eagle after eagle flying past our place. The number of them is incredible.
school: 12 student days
gas: $4.48/gal
surise: 5:41 AM
sunset: 10:24 PM
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