Atti camping
Atti at the top of Bear Moutain

Atti and Rochelle at the top of Skyline Trail (very windy day)

Atti and Jon descending Skyline Trail

After spending 6 weeks with Atti this summer in addition to many play dates and sleepovers, we are forced to say goodbye. Last night, Atti's owner and our good friend, came over and told us the bad news. On Saturday afternoon Atti went out on the road to greet another dog and was hit by a car. Although she was not ours, she was as good as. Her excitement at seeing us always lead to her wetting herself and then an attempt (usually successful) to jump into our car. She traveled all over Alaska with us this summer. You can see just a few of the places in the pictures above. She will be greatly missed by both the Felchles and the Horbaczs. Although hard, I am somewhat put at ease knowing that during her 4 years, she was a happy dog.
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