Hershey Kiss and chocolate covered cherry mice made by a student
Our last day of school for 2011 was today. Although, Jon was sick today, so his last day ended up being yesterday. If all goes as planned, we will be taking a red eye flight out of Kenai Saturday night and then one out of Anchorage early Sunday, heading directly for Minnesota. We have never been more anxious to get home, with so many ups and downs the past couple of months and being 3,300 miles away from it all. It has been a tough fall to have such a distance between family. In our two weeks home, we will be attending both a wedding and a funeral, celebrating the birth of our nephew, rejoicing in the very recent news of Jon's father being cancer free, and celebrating a recent engagement. Since moving up to Alaska, we are reminded continuously that life is full of opportunities. Sometimes there are so many opportunities that they become overwhelming. For me, some of the best opportunities I have taken are the ones spent with family.
Sending love to everyone! And wishing everyone a very, very joyous Christmas!
sunrise: 10:08 AM
sunset: 3:52 PM
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