Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving Weekend (Nov. 24-27, 2011)

Our first Christmas Tree that is taller than us!

We had a packed Thanksgiving Day. Breakfast was at Mr. Felchle's house (the 7th grade history teacher at our school) and dinner was at the Salzetti's house (a former student and her family). We had a great food-eating time at both place. Like people in Minnesota, people in Alaska feed you well! We have been spending time skiing over our long weekend. We both started skate skiing this winter. It's not easy, but it helps that we are both ice skaters and rollerbladers. The motion is the same. The biggest challenge for me is the weight of the ski in front, it forces me to lift my toe more than I ever have in ice skates and rollerblades. I am discovering some new muscles in my shins because of this. We've been out just a few times now and I'm already feeling more comfortable with it. I think Jon is too! Going up hills is probably the most challenging because you have to keep your momentum. Jon was a great cheerleader, encouraging me up a fairly long hill. A group of about 10 eagles were also there cheering me on and they were much louder than Jon.

The weather has been very bitter for November. We've had about 15 days in which we've been in the negatives. It's suppose to warm up a bit later in the week. We are looking forward to that.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Dancing on the Peninsula! (Friday and Saturday, Nov. 18 & 19, 2011)

On Friday and Saturday I had my first dance performance as a dancer with the Peninsula Artists in Motion all-women's dance company. It was a blast being on stage again. I performed in 8 different pieces; in the styles of modern, tap, jazz, and character. I also choreographed a piece, the tap number. A few of my current and former students attended as well as some ladies I work with at school. And of course, Jon was there too! I was well supported. We had three guest artist groups come down from Anchorage as well as a hula hoop dancer from Homer. The show was full of variety.

Below are some links. We were advertised on the Anchorage News as well as in the local papers. Enjoy! My name is mentioned in the Redoubt Reporter. Also, see if you can spot me in the different dance numbers advertises on the TV news cast.

Anchorage News (ABC):

Redoubt Reporter:—%C2%A0pam-celebrates-10-years/

Peninsula Clarion:

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Gophers, Belugas, and Snow (Oct. 28-Nov. 3, 2011)

After three days with students (one which stunk of Northern Pike guts, as my 7th grade science students dissected) and two days with parents at conferences, it was time to get out of town.

So, last weekend we had the enjoyment of leaving Kenai for two nights and were fortunate enough to watch the Minnesota Golden Gopher Men's Hockey team play against the Alaska Anchorage Seawolves on both Friday and Saturday. To our excitement, they won both nights! It was lovely to get away and leave our world of teaching for awhile and of course to see so many Minnesota fans!

On Sunday we drove back to Kenai in snow. On our way back, along the Turnagain Arm, Jon spotted a huge pod of beluga whales. They were following the shoreline, about 10 feet out. We pulled over to get a better look and watched the entire pod as they swam by. We were able to identify the younger ones from the adults. The adults are all white while the young are born gray and develop their white color as they get older.

Monday, Halloween, brought more snow, enough to cover the ground. Tuesday brought strong winds, up to 60 mph. It knocked down many trees causing power outages all over the Kenai Peninsula, including our home. Fortunately, we were only without for about 5 hours. Wednesday was nice and I thought the snow would be gone, but alas, Thursday brought more snow, blanketing the ground with a decent covering. I'm convinced the snow is here to stay. The winter gear will be coming out! Ugh, I'm exciting for skiing, but I'm not sure I'm ready for this. After our first cool Alaskan summer, I'm very jealous of everyone who got to wear shorts this summer in warmer climates. I'm still waiting for the heat, which I know is not going to happen. Ah, well.